New Programme For Rathnapura / Gampaha / Kurunegala /Colombo / Kandy /Matale /Anuradhapura /Kalutara.

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Awarding Ceremony

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අපගේ දැක්ම/Our Vision

අපගේ දැක්ම

ජාතික ගෝලිය අපෙක්ෂා සාක්ෂාත් කරණය පිණිස යෝග්‍ය සන්නිවේදන කුසලතා දරුවන්ට V2V ක්‍රමය තුලින් ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාව ඉගෙනුමට උත්තේජනය සහ අභිප්‍රේරණය සැකසීම.

Our Vision

Stimulated and motivated to learn English through the processing system V2V communication skills appropriate for their children to achieve aspirations of the national coordinating global.


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Hon,Minister Mr.Wijedahasa Rajapaksha.Diploma Awarding Ceremony At BMICH .2017.02.16 as Chief Guest

Hon,Minister Mr.Wijedahasa Rajapaksha.Diploma Awarding Ceremony At BMICH .2017.02.16 as Chief Guest

Diploma Awardig At BMICH 2017.02.16

Diploma Awardig At BMICH 2017.02.16


A Creative Enterprise in English Education

A Creative Enterprise in English Education

Awarding Ceremony

Awarding Ceremony

The Former President And V2V

The Former President And V2V

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V2V 1000 Scholership programme -2016

V2V Diploma winners at BMICH-Colombo.

V2V Diploma winners at BMICH-Colombo.

Diploma Awarding -Hon,Sarath Ekanayake ,Chief Minister Of Central Province.& V2V Founder. 2016.

Diploma Awarding -Hon,Sarath Ekanayake ,Chief Minister Of Central Province.& V2V Founder. 2016.

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Lanka V2V English .

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